Our Services
We offer no-risk. obligation-free, COMPLIMENTARY consultations
Monument Lettering and Inscriptions
This multi-step service involves examining the existing monument to possess an exact duplicate blueprint of the monument's font, size and spacing. This ensures an exact match to the existing lettering on the monument. Every quote is specific to an individuals needs, with no strings attached. Gathering the information for a person or family is free of charge
Monument and Memorial Cleanings
Over time your monument will become dirty and need cleaning. Once you have received your personal quote for cleaning the monument, I will clean the monument within one business week. Your monument will look like new once cleaned.
Etchings Performed by Hand Artist
Etchings are a popular way to add photos with precision detail to any darker colored granite. We do not use a laser etching machine like most, our etchings are all done by hand.
Monument Design &
From assisting with choice of granite, finish and design, Robert is prepared to help you throughout the entire process.
Porcelain photos are a great way to add an everlasting color or black and white photo to your loved one’s memorial. The porcelain photos will not fade or change color over time.
Let Us Answer Your Questions
Call: 914-804-0738
Email: Enduringmonuments@gmail.com
143 Willett Avenue in Port Chester, New York 10573